
GreenTech Award 2020/21

According to the Paris Agreement of 2015, global warming should ideally be limited to 1.5 degrees. The issue of climate protection has long received only limited attention, but is now gaining significant relevance. In order to avert a climate catastrophe, concrete action is required so that the earth remains liveable for us and future generations.


With the GreenTech Award 2020/21, the ÖGVS is now for the first time honouring Austrian companies and research institutions whose inventiveness demonstrably contributes to the account of climate protection or which enable adaptations to climate change through new ideas.


ÖkoFEN was named a top innovator in the field of climate protection technologies as part of this study. The award is based on the company's constant efforts to make an active contribution to climate protection with its own products and to constantly optimise them - for a future worth living.